Author Archives: Maxxe Riann | memoriesonapage

The Sparks event: A year later

We have talked about the GivingPoint Institute a lot in the past couple of years. They are a fantastic group, who help young social entrepreneurs (like TNK!) to develop and grow projects that feed a passion. In our case, that passion is human rights. As members of GPI, we have regularly attended workshops featuring high-ranking […]

Looking Back on More Than a Year With TNK

I’ve been involved with Think North Korea for well over a year. I got involved in October of 2013, with some planning sessions and meetings, and a couple of email chains. I was a freshman, with a little bit of public speaking experience. I just walked up to the then-seniors who were running TNK at […]

Some Thoughts on The Interview (Movie)

A lot of people have been talking about The Interview lately. It’s a particularly controversial movie, and not in the “oh-hey-that’s-a-topic-no-one-talks-about” kind of way. It’s more of a… “LET’S-LAMPOON-DEATH-AND-DESTRUCTION-AND-OH-BY-THE-WAY-THERE-ARE-HUMAN-RIGHTS-AND-SECRET-AGENTS-AND-WHAT-IS-THIS-MOVIE-EVEN-ABOUT-ANYWAY” kind of way. The moviemakers claim to discuss human rights in the film, and that they spread awareness. Having watched it, I think that they actually […]

The UN’s Agenda Finally Includes the North Korean Prison Camps

Yesterday, two North Korean defectors, Park Yeon-Mi, and Joseph Kim, went in front of the UN alongside two members of the State Department’s special envoy for North Korean human rights issues, Robert King and Tom Malinowski. They did this under very specific instructions from the US Secretary of State to put North Korean human rights […]

TNK Takes the Alternative Gift Fair 2014 (Post by Isabel Gupton)

Hey! I’m Isabel, a Westminster senior and one of Think North Korea’s presidents for the 2014-15 school year. I became involved with TNK last October after watching a presentation by Michael He and Catherine Zhang on the human rights crisis in North Korea. Before then, I hadn’t known much about the crisis (or about North […]

A Lot Has Happened in North Korea, Including Some Good News

So, North Korea has been in the news more than usual lately, and for (mostly) valid reason. But the media tends to really emphasize some details that are perhaps not so helpful when it comes to human rights crises. So what has actually been happening? Well, North Korea has been in the news more than […]

More on the Sparks Event: The Newbie’s Perspective

(I should probably point out that I am not Catherine. My name is Maxxe, and I was a member of Think North Korea last year. I will be running the blog and the Facebook page, as well as the rest of our online presence now, since Catherine is headed off to college soon. She may […]